New Stock arriving 27th May

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HALOT-MAGE S 14K Ultra High-Definintion High Speed LCD Resin 3D Printer

Creality is the leading innovator in consumer-grade 3D printing technology, pushing the boundaries in Resin 3D printing with the HALOT-MAGE S. This model introduces a cutting-edge 14K ultra-high-definition with an impressive resolution of 13320*5120 pixelswith a build volume of 223x126x230mm.

With its revolutionary “Dynax+ultra-high-speed mode, the HALOT-MAGE S redefines the pace of 3D printing. Capable of producing models up to 150mm per hour.

HALOT-MAGE S sets a new standard for precision, speed, and reliability in 3D printing. The HALOT-MAGE S utilises cutting-edge technology which improves print quality significantly. A third-generation integral light source for uniform resin curing layer by layer, resulting in smooth surfaces and clear structural details in printed models.

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